Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
Short Summary of Resource
This report identifies cross-scale barriers to planned adaptation within the context of local government in Australia, and the development of enabling actions to overcome these barriers
Detailed description of the resource
The research revealed that the cross-scale barriers faced by local government in relation to climate change adaptation are not unique to the field of climate change adaptation in Australia. That is, they face similar barriers in other areas of their work as well. It also revealed that many of the barriers faced are experienced by councils around Australia, but that each barrier is not faced equally by each council. This is largely due to the contextual landscape in which distinct processes are at play (e.g. regulatory frameworks, values and perceptions among different agencies and actors, geographical location, resource management arrangements). The findings also suggest that an array of preconditions and co-conditions need to exist before we can start to measure success in adaptation programs
Content Owners / Rights Holders
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility