- Adapt NRM
- Adaptation Options for Human Settlements in South East Queensland
- Adaptation wizard
- Adapting to Climate Change: A Queensland Local Government Guide
- Adapting to Flood Risk under Climate Change
- AdaptME Toolkit
- Australia's rising greenhouse gas emissions
- Australia's Variable Rainfall
- Australian climate influences
- Australian local government action on climate change adaptation: some critical reflections to assist decision-making
- Australian Local Government Climate Review
- Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) Portal
- BACLIAT vulnerability assessment
- Bridging local and global: Advancing global climate action at COP23
- Building adaptive capacity in South East Queensland, Australia
- Challenges of adaptation for local governments
- Characteristics of Resilient Systems
- Choosing a decision-making framework to manage uncertainty in climate adaptation decision-making: a Practitioner
- Climate Action Planning Framework
- Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments
- Climate Adaptation Manual for Local Government: Embedding Resilience to Climate Change
- Climate Adaptation Planning in Practice: An Evaluation of Adaptation Plans from Three Developed Nations
- Climate and past weather
- Climate change adaptation actions for local government
- Climate Change Adaptation Navigator Tool
- Climate change adaptation strategies for local impact: A guide for UNFCCC negotiators
- Climate change empowerment handbook
- Climate Change in Australia: Projections for Australia's NRM Regions, East Coast Cluster
- Climate Change in Queensland
- Climate change projections for impact assessment
- Climate change risk assessment guideline
- Climate Change Science, Communication and Action, Climate Change Science, Communication and Action
- Climate Outlooks - Monthly and Seasonal
- Climate-Ready Communities: A guide to getting started
- Co-ordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
- Coastal Climate Risk Management Tool: CoastAdapt
- Community Based Adaptation Framework & Project Toolkit
- Community-Based Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Tools: A Review of Tools and Their Applications
- Crop yield impact projections
- Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
- Deadline 2020: How cities will get the job done
- Decision making under uncertainty: Bridging the gap between end user needs and climate science capability
- Decision support templates to create risk registers
- Decision-making for climate change adaptation: A systems thinking approach
- Department of Environment and Science Datasets
- Developing Adaptation Policy and Practice in Europe: Multi-level Governance of Climate Change
- Fossil Economy
- Framework for a national strategy on climate, health and well-being for Australia
- Framing Climate Change Adaptation in Policy and Practice
- GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard