- Adaptation Options for Human Settlements in South East Queensland
- Australia's rising greenhouse gas emissions
- Australian Local Government Climate Review
- Climate Change in Australia: Projections for Australia's NRM Regions, East Coast Cluster
- Coastal Climate Risk Management Tool: CoastAdapt
- Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
- Fossil Economy
- Impact of climate change on disadvantaged groups: Issues and interventions
- Making decisions under the risks and uncertainties of future climates
- Monitoring and evaluation in adaptation
- On the Frontline: Climate Change and Rural Communities, On the Frontline: Climate Change and Rural Communities
- Queensland Government: Human Health and Well-Being Sector Adaptation Plan
- Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Queensland: A synthesis of climate change adaptation research
- The Critical Decade: Queensland Climate Impacts and Communities
- The Silent Killer: Climate Change and the Health Impacts of Extreme Heat